"If you eat pig and cow meat why not whale meat?" “Why do you say whales are more intelligent than Pigs?”These are questions asked by the Japanese.
I say “Stop Killing Whales”It’s a disaster!
Since prehistoric times people have hunted whales.They ate whale meat,melted down whale fat for fuel and carved whale teeth.Most modern whalers kill to sell them.Whale oil is used in soap,candles,and machine oil.These things can be made from other materials.But people still keep killing whales.Methods of hunting whales have changed so much that many types of whales are endangered.
Whalers used to hunt whales with hand held harpoons.Each harpoon was attached to the boat by rope.If the whalers hit a whale,the whale would dive,dragging the whalers on a rough and dangerous ride.
People hunting whales today have a much easier time catching them.They chase them with
motorboats.They shoot them with harpoons that explode inside the whales.The dead animals are towed to factory ships,where the meat and oil are removed.
Most whales each year are killed by Japanese whaling ships.Why do Japanese kill whales?Japanese kill whales for food and to sell them.In 1947 whale meat made up almost half of all animal protein consumed by the country. Nearly 20 years later, whales continued to make up nearly one-quarter of the Japanese diet.
Whale meat is full of dangerous metals that break down the human central nervous system over several years.Cadmium is an extremely toxic metal commonly found in industrial workplaces,Mercury is a chemical element and DDT which is used in smoke candles, and charges for vaporizers and lotions are some of these.Japan is so stupid it is poisoning its own children by introducing whale meat into school lunch menus.
About 7400 whales are killed each year by humans mostly and they are now becoming extinct.
People have recognized that whales have been in trouble for many years. Since 1946,many nations have agreed to limit the number of whales they kill. Killing whales that are endangered, including the right whale and the blue whale,is not allowed at all.
Many countries have banned all products that contain whale meat,whale oil,whale teeth,or other whale parts. But not all countries follow these rules.
Many different groups are working to help whales survive. Some groups try to get governments to ban killing whales. Other groups try to protect the whales directly.For example,members of the organization Greenpeace follows whaling ships as they stalk whales. If a whaler aims at a whale,Greenpeace members go out in a small raft and float between the whalers and the whale.
Even if people stop hunting whales they may not survive.Whales need clean, safe places to live and raise their young.Unless we stop polluting the the oceans and blocking them with fishing nets,the whales may die out. The whales will probably survive only if we start taking better care of the world we share with them.
My Reflection:
1. What have you learnt from your research?
I have learnt that whales are in danger and that Greenpeace is working to help save the whales.1. What have you learnt from your research?
2. Self-assessment:
I enjoyed researching and processing the information but I can improve on my delivery of the speech.I need to be more confident when presenting my speech.
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