It was Friday morning and we were at the cake shop and I was bewildered,me and my dad were buying a cake for my brother's birthday but then I thought lets make a cake.
My dad and I started looking for a recipe for a chocolate cake because it was my brother's favorite cake.When we had found a recipe we went to go and buy all of the ingredients we needed for the cake.Then we went back home to make the cake.When we had got home it was a disaster because we had forgotten the milk and baking powder so it was back to the shop.
When we finally had all of the ingredients and started making the cake we made a big mess and had to start again because we spilt the mix and it went all over the place.Now we only had enough ingredients to make one more cake so we had to do it perfectly.We started to make the cake again and this time we did much better.The cake mix was perfect and we were really happy that we had made the mix and as we put it in the oven we had giant smiles on our face.
When the cake was done it looked great and when my brother saw it he was really exited and he loved it.
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